Tuesday, February 11, 2014

The Power of Routines

by: Dioni Morales, National Sales Manager

I had a great holiday season!  Many family members visited from all over, there were quite a few parties and a lot of good food.  It was the best time I've had in a long time. So why, as it was coming to an end, was I actually happy that it was almost over?  Because there is only so much time I can live without my routines. I absolutely LOVE routines!  I think I have accomplished what I have accomplished because of setting and following routines.

I wanted to get back to my diet, to my exercise regimen, to work, to my kids going back to school, to an organized house, etc.  It sounds kind of crazy, I know, but that's what has always worked for me.  That's what has always given me the results I work for, the results I want.  Canadian Author Carol Shields wrote: "Routine is liberating, it makes you feel in control."  I couldn't have said it better myself.

Routines are your daily habits, the things that you do the same way at the same time.  I was reading a "mommy blog" which discussed how routines will simplify your life.  Some people may find routines to be boring, or too much work to implement.  But when you're raising a family, juggling work, running a household, and trying like crazy to find time for yourself and your partner, establishing daily routines is essential.

As you work your Vessel business, here are some ideas that you can incorporate into your routine that will help you grow your business and become financially independent sooner:

1. Schedule a specific time in the day to work on your Vessel business.  If you actually write it into your schedule, you can find 30 to 60 minutes, every single day, even if every day is a different time. You can make phone calls, plan Home Parties, present the business to a potential Stylist, etc.

2. There's usually at least one night in the week, sometimes two,  in which you don't have a soccer game, a PTA meeting, etc.  If that day is every Tuesday, then make sure you are in someones' home doing a Home Party, every single Tuesday.

English poet W.H. Auden wrote "Routine, in an intelligent man (woman), is a sign of ambition"  With Vessel we have shown you that you can be in control of your goals and dreams, but of course you have to work to make it work.  Incorporate Vessel into your daily and weekly routine.  At first it may seem overwhelming to have yet one more thing, but in time it will just be part of your life.  Soon enough it will bring you the freedom you have only dreamed of.

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