Tuesday, September 10, 2013

You know more people than you think!

by: Dioni Marie Morales, National Sales Manager

Because of a new venture my husband is embarking upon in his business, I’ve been thinking a lot lately about the relationships that we create throughout our lives with nearly everyone we meet: people we went to school with, colleagues, people we go to church with, parents of our kids' friends, etc.  Almost everyone we meet leaves an impression with us.  I've been thinking about the impression that we have also left with them.  I've thought a lot about the fact that "we reap what we sow," that people will treat us with the respect - or lack of it - with which we treat them, that they will listen to us in the same way we have listened to them.  It makes me wonder about what type of person I have been to those I meet.  Have I been kind, trustworthy, etc.?  Would they be willing to listen if I ask them to hear me out, because I have done the same for them (or at least they know I would)?  Would they be open to my sharing of a great new business that can simply change their lives forever?
There is research that shows that every person meets 2,000 people by the time they are 20 years old! That is 2,000 people who each know at least 2,000 people! So, if you haven’t done so yet, start your Contact List, which is so important in starting your business.  If you already have your list, look at it again and add a few more names to it.  We meet new people all the time, so keep it close and keep adding names. You don’t have to get the 2,000 people you know to join you in your Vessel business, and you don’t have to get their 2,000 friends to do the same. It only takes 10 to 20 of your friends, and then 10 to 20 of their friends, and so on, for you to achieve all your dreams ... and help your friends to do the same.
Let’s go out and present this opportunity to all those nice people you have been blessed to meet.  They might very well be waiting to hear about this life-changing opportunity!

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